Evening meal and breakfast tray on site
Le Prieuré s’est associé avec plusieurs restaurateurs, caterers to ensure a safe dinner. We offer packages to take away, des plateaux repas livrés pour vous à l’hôtel. We work with reference professionals who, like us, respect sanitary measures.
Enjoy a day in the week end to combine work and pleasure.
Take the time to visit one of the largest cathedrals in Europe,do your jogging in the Park Saint Pierre, enjoy a drink in the old Amiens, a dinner in one of the best restaurants of the city.
In the heart of town, at the foot of the Cathedral, The Priory Residence enjoys an ideal location with parking nearby. You drop your car then you do more until your departure.
All our rooms are equipped with a complete bathroom (bath or shower), free WiFi, Nespresso machine, Canal , CanalSat, Bein Sport.
Evening menu step :
Entry to the choice :
Œufs Bio Mimosas and salmon tartare
Head of pig farmer paste, tartar sauce
Choice dish :
Suggestion of the sea to slate
Rabbit in the Picardy, Apple, Celeriac, Cider A 'z' Erondes and Bacon
Desserts :
The Cabotans madeleines and apples roasted Mead Picard
Lost beat cake, farmer cider ice
Good tasting
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